First things first – what exactly are magic mushrooms? These mushrooms are fungi that contain the psychedelic compound psilocybin. They are also called shrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, or psychedelic mushrooms. You can eat the mushrooms to produce effects similar to LSD.

Taking magic mushrooms is a great way to do it. Of course, like any other substance, there are risks, and taking mushrooms safely is crucial. With that in mind, here’s a guide to taking the mushrooms safely.

Knowing the source

Knowing the source is one of the most important things when taking magic mushrooms safely. When you buy from a reputable source, like a dispensary, you can be sure that the mushrooms are safe because they have been screened and tested for safety Click here to order shrooms online.

However, if you’re picking them yourself in the wild or ordering them online, ensure you can verify their quality. Picking random mushrooms off the ground can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening, as some can be poisonous.

Additionally, if purchasing online, research the company and read reviews before buying.

Correct dosage

Dosage can be another critical factor to consider when using mushrooms. If you are starting a substance or drug, start with a small amount and increase your dosage slowly over time. Begin with a low dose, such as 0.2-0.5 grams of dried mushrooms, and observe how it affects you before increasing the amounts.
Comfortable environment

Magic mushrooms are a powerful hallucinogen that can produce intense experiences. Take them in a comfortable setting, and make sure supportive friends surround you. It’s also worth noting that taking magic mushrooms may result in flashbacks, and these are experiences in which the user relives a previous psychedelic experience despite not having retaken it.

Be aware that this is a possible side effect that should be considered when deciding whether or not to take magic mushrooms.


Ensure you prepare everything, such as snacks and water, before taking the mushrooms. It’s also essential to have a sitter present if you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed during your trip. Having someone steady with you while on your journey can help provide emotional support and guidance if you need it.

Legal environment

It’s essential to consider the legality of using magic mushrooms in your area. Though some countries have decriminalized their usage, they remain entirely illegal in other areas. It’s, therefore, essential to check the regional laws so that you do not place yourself in any legal danger.


The mushrooms can be a precious tool for personal growth and healing if taken safely and respectfully. Take time to understand the legal situation in your area, source a quality product, and set the right intention for your journey. Most importantly, trust yourself and keep an open mind throughout- you won’t regret it!

With the proper preparation, it is possible to take the mushrooms safely. Research your drugs and prepare your mind by learning more about them to start your journey toward safe, responsible mushroom use. Then find a sitter with psychedelic experience, and travelling together can help ensure a positive outcome for you and your sitter!